Friday, May 29, 2009

Top 5.....

As I am trying so very hard to see POSITIVE in my life I challenged myself to come up with at least 5 things that made me happy this past week! So here it goes in no particular order at all...

1) Hubby taking me & the kids out to Hoagies for my all time favorite pizza (pepperoni, onion & peppers) they make the BEST pizza me I've have tried many different pizza places over the many years & this has definatly become a family favorite!!!

2)Wildlife this week; Finally getting to see my swamp donkey & on our way to DHMC this week I saw a mama hawk teaching her baby how to fly....breath taking moment. I love nature

3) A very exciting letter in the mail yesterday......requesting that Tim, I, & Krystal be present as she receives an honor at the annual academic awards...I am so happy & proud of her especially with the year she has had. My gut tells me it is for Culinary

4) Watching my little boy become a's sad but a happy moment at the same time

5) All the calls & texts from family & friends this week to keep my chin up. Plus teachin my mom how to text was totally fun.......of course all the text during the day from hubby to let me know he's thinkin about me while he works.

So those were the top things I could think of right now....hope to see some sun over the weekend.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Rain rain go away.....

I am so ready for some nice warm sunny weather!!!!! This damp cold stuff really makes me hurt alot more & miss Krystal also...her knee gets so bad she can just about walk. She's getting really nervous that we are getting really close to the date with the heart specialist. Her nero confirmed that they definatly believe she'll need surgery & inplant. Please pray for our little girl. Our family & close friends will be notified privatly when this is taking place...too many lurkers that just don't need to know dates of her appts so she/we can go without the "extra" stresses. Thank you again to my in-laws for there support for her, my & Tims health & well being.
Sadly the tomato plants that Tim planted this weekend got hit by frost, some made it but others did when we know for sure warmer weather is here he will replant....luckily it was the beginning & not half way through growing season.
On another positive note Zac was presented with 2 Ribbons for his uniform & will be promoted to exciting. Brie will be joining the JROTC this summer so we should have great competitive things going on in the house next school year...LOL... So hard to believe all 3 of our kids will be in high school in Sept., so terribly sad for me though because my little girl will be 18 in just a few months. She found out today that she gets to go to France next year with the Mountain View cool is that!!! Brie had moving up day & spent the day at the HS today so I'm sure her little mouth will continuosly run tonight. Her brother & sister were going to let her eat lunch with them so she wouldn't feel out of place which I thought was super cool & sweet.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!!

What a beautiful day it is although very cold this morning during the parade which I am sure all the men & women in uniform were very grateful for. My mom, gram, Tim, Brie & I all went to the parade in was a very proud moment for us all....Zac man was marching for the first time EVER in a parade. After ALOT of convincing, bribing & promise that his mom would be there he agreed to do it. I am so proud of my boy, which I have discovered as much as I would love him to stay my little boy his is very quickly turning into a fine young man. He is mowing lawns for the first time today (I know many of you are saying 15 & just barely mowing....I'm very overprotective & with a few disabilities it just wasn't safe before) Daddy is supervising very well! I was also sooooo happy my gram was able to go watch her great grandson march very proudly at least this one time. These kids are so lucky to still have their great grandmother & lots of great memories with her. The rest of today will be relax for me, this morning did me the "boys" will be grilling while mom, gram & I get to sit & watch.

A couple other EXCITING moments for me this weekend are Tim built me an above ground garden to have a few tomato plants & planted I FINALLY got to see a swamp donkey yesterday a.k.a. MOOSE.....not just one but two of them playing in the field in Littleton. How cool is that.....I have been patiently waiting & it finally happend! Ok so it doesn't take much to excite me these days...LOL!!! Hope you all have wonderful memorial day memories.....

Friday, May 22, 2009


Inspiration is what I have been searching for lately. I've been in such a "rut" for a while now between my health, krystal, etc; it's not that I don't have plenty of photos to scrap it's I just can't pull myself to do it, the overwhelming feeling of not being "good enough", the fact that I have allowed myself to become totally dependant of pain killers, the fact I've allowed everyone/everything control how I feel, seeing fear on my childrens face when they go out to play or when they are leaving me, the saddness I see on there faces because I'm not the mom or wife I once was just a huge spiraling of emotions running through me from saddness, anger, loss, revenge....not that my family & friends aren't trying there very hardest to make me happy. Anyways, I need to take control of my life for me so I can become a better mom, wife, sister, daughter, granddaughter, etc granted it will have limitations but I need to find that inspiration that makes me know I did something good.....i found some tranquility on a peaceful but short ride this morning, it was so quiet, so beautiful, birds were chirping, etc; was gorgous! Still waiting to see that darn swamp donkeys...LOL
So today I took a little time to do some blog surfing....Liz K always brings a smile on her & her hubby are so uplifting. But noticed a special make a card for hero this later on I may try to pull out a few things & make a card. Our heros are a huge & very important part of my life....remembering my grandpa who fought in WWII, a dear friend that served overseas 3 times, Tim that protected & served his surrounding community in law enforcement, my son who proudly wears his uniform & future police officer, & all the men & women serving our country including our firefighters, emts & police....they are all who keeps us safe & FREE! Be sure to take a moment to remember each & every one of them this weekend.
Have a very Happy & Safe memorial day weekend.....

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Exactly what is going on in this household now...a whole lota sneezing & sniffling!! Allergie season is in full force the only one not being affected yet is Tim. If I could only reach in & scratch my eyeballs for some relief...LOL. This has to be one of the things I dread the most about spring is the pollen & those wonderful dandilions floating in the air!
Zac has had two visits so far to the chiropractor, he some how popped out the joint between his hip & back which caused damage to the center of his spine & neck, he goes back again tomorrow which hopefully will be the last one but not sure. Poor kid has been in ALOT of pain.
Mom got home from her cruise safely Friday night, the whole rest of the family had fun creating a letter from her cats telling her why she shouldn't ever go away again...too funny
Tim & I picked out our final floor plans & moving forward with what was once only a dream. That man has a whole lot on his plate right now with work, taking care of me & the kids, home, etc....hmmm & we wonder why his ticker is acting up!
Enjoy the sunshine....temps are suppose to be 90 by thurs!!!! How great is that

Saturday, May 16, 2009

fun moment

Finally all 3 children were together which is rare around here, so I took a moment the other day on early release day to take a picture of all 3 together. So unbelievable how big they have gotten my son is almost 6 foot tall now!!! Hopefully he slows down soon. The moment was fun because we were standing at the end of the tressel on the connecticut river & all except for Brie we were scared....not one for heights!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Proud daddy

Saturday night was Krystals junior prom....she looked so beautiful as you can see her daddy is very proud of her too. It was too funny as soon as the father/daughter dance was over & we were ready to leave the fire alarm went off & we all had to evacuate the building...just another part of the memory to laugh about. We actually allowed her to go to an party after....only because it was at a state trooper & lawyers worries:) While Tim & I were home waiting to go get her from the prom a HUGE bear was in our yard he was slapping a 4ft x 4ft dumpster around like it was a beach ball...he stood close to 7ft tall neither of us had ever seen one so big before, can honestly say I don't ever want to again.
Mothers Day was very quiet day, my mom was gone but we went to see gram brought her flowers & a card & just spent time with her. Tim & the kids got me some cards & a gift cert. to a scrapbooking store for $150!!! How great is that!!! Plus he took me to lunch.
On a sad note though we found out my aunt cindy's cancer is back & the rushed her into surgery yesterday...she pulled through the surgery great & now it is the sit & wait to find out more details.
Last night was a devastating night on American Idol for Danny is gone:( But I am sure he will make a cd & be at the top of the charts just like the great Chris him too! It's something about those raspy sexy Not much else on this end to report I can't seem to find any energy or ambition to want to amount to anything lately...this change constantly in the weather is making me ache soooooo bad & now the lovely allergy season is here. our vehicles look yellow. Have a great night.....

Monday, May 4, 2009

a few things....

A few things have saddend me a little through the weekend & many know we are a huge american idol fans, by hearing the news that lasts years David Cooks brother had passed away from cancer made me sad...his brother was the reason David tried & won American Idol & was by his side through the journey. Life is so short & so unexpected. Also made me a little sad that for the first time in a few years I missed out & didn't celebrate National Scrapbooking Day on Sat...haven't done much of anything on projects for a while, my poor mom is still waiting to get her birthday album back finished!! I won't be able to celebrate mothers day with my mom this year as she will be gone.
Things that made me happy over the weekend...the calls from the inlaws to see how there son & grandchildren are doing. So sad that we don't keep in better contact (I know it works both ways:)! we live in the same state & only see each other maybe once or twice a year. It was also nice to watch all 3 kids & hubby tossing the football last night...gosh does Brie have one heck of a throw!!
This coming weekend is Krystals prom...thank you to mom for taking her shopping to find a gown. Makes me sad that I wasn't able to do this special moment with her, but I knew there was no way I could of done all those stores & traveling. Praying she can get through this evening with no problems & able to enjoy this special event in her life. Although tecniqually she has already been to a prom....she was in my belly growing like a weed for mine!
Another thing came to mind that made me happy to hurt as I am that the friendship wasn't what I thought it was I was happy to hear that my co worker made it through her surgery safely & is on the way to recovery. I will always cherish the special moments we had shared at one time, but definatly happy for her & her family that she is safe & hopefully be back to her normal life soon.