this is a beautiful bouquet of flowers Tim suprised me with Sat. night when he got home. First question what did you do??? LOL Of course today I have an appointment I can't get out of due to workmans comp & it's in lincoln so I have to travel through the notch....just a wee bit nervous.....ok a whole lot of nervous. any one that knows me knows I am terrified of winter weather. Yes my brother will be driving but it doesn't make it any better, so not looking forward to this at all! Seems how I'll be good & tense that will make the pain level esculate more than I already am in....owell.
I'm still having fun creating the layouts for my kids"all about you from a to z" I'm focusing on hopefully finishing zacs tonight, dinner is already in the crock pot....pot roast, carrots & I should be able to just relax & work on that while hubby will be out snowblowing the driveways. The kids are hoping to have a snow day tomorrow & play outside.We were finally able to buy them sleds...they were so hard to find anywhere this year & quite pricey too. Maybe they'll get Uncle to go play with them....tonight Rich & Krsytal are cooking chicken cordon bleu's a special tradition they try to do when he's home. Time to get ready for that dreaded trip...LIVE, LAUGH, & LOVE.