Friday, January 9, 2009

the call i've been dreading....

Yesterday morning seemed to start as any normal day the kids off to school & tim off to work, me laying low trying what to try to create....than that suddenly all changed with one phone call. A call in knew in my heart I would probably get one day but was praying I wouldn't...Krystal was at Mountain View for her hospitality courses & had passed out. The poor lady that was trying to tell me what was going on was from a foreign country so her english wasn't very clear, but I could tell it wasn't good. I knew it would take me a bit to get there seems how we were having a blizzard & I was alone.. yes mom was home but with a broken right foot it wasn't much help. It's funny how my huge fear of winter driving went away trying to get to my baby. I arrived at the hotel to get her, still not fully aware of what was going on, I took her to the high school which is just up the road to see the nurse, her blood pressure was 80/60, so the nurse & I decided it would be best to call the ambulance as I was now over 20 miles from the hospital. She had had at least one more seizure in the ambulance. I totally lost it. Of course then my cell was ringin off the hook from anyone who suspected it was her, Tim, mom, etc; she was just so lifeless. Tim & I sat there in the ER watching the monitors & patiently waiting for the dr to come in with some sort of news. Over 7 hrs & no real answers except they feel she must of had a seizure or migrain complications. Definatly a call I pray never happens scary to be so helpless!

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