Thursday, May 28, 2009

Rain rain go away.....

I am so ready for some nice warm sunny weather!!!!! This damp cold stuff really makes me hurt alot more & miss Krystal also...her knee gets so bad she can just about walk. She's getting really nervous that we are getting really close to the date with the heart specialist. Her nero confirmed that they definatly believe she'll need surgery & inplant. Please pray for our little girl. Our family & close friends will be notified privatly when this is taking place...too many lurkers that just don't need to know dates of her appts so she/we can go without the "extra" stresses. Thank you again to my in-laws for there support for her, my & Tims health & well being.
Sadly the tomato plants that Tim planted this weekend got hit by frost, some made it but others did when we know for sure warmer weather is here he will replant....luckily it was the beginning & not half way through growing season.
On another positive note Zac was presented with 2 Ribbons for his uniform & will be promoted to exciting. Brie will be joining the JROTC this summer so we should have great competitive things going on in the house next school year...LOL... So hard to believe all 3 of our kids will be in high school in Sept., so terribly sad for me though because my little girl will be 18 in just a few months. She found out today that she gets to go to France next year with the Mountain View cool is that!!! Brie had moving up day & spent the day at the HS today so I'm sure her little mouth will continuosly run tonight. Her brother & sister were going to let her eat lunch with them so she wouldn't feel out of place which I thought was super cool & sweet.

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